If you stayed at or near Disneyland in the early to mid 80's, then this question(s) is for you!
First....across the street from the Candy Cane Inn (and maybe north on Harbor a bit) there used to be a restaurant. I recall it being named the "Hamburger Hut". Does that place ring a bell? It was very Denny's/Bobs Big Boy-ish as I recall.
Also, prior to the Disney expansion, there used to be a Motel or two NORTH of the Candy Cane Inn (same side of the street). One was called the Cosmic Age. I cannot recall the other. What I remember most was a restatrant squeezed onto that location as well. The name escapes me, but I remember the roof was shaped and painted to look like a circus big-top.
Am I alone in remembering this?