Hi Intercot Friends!!

I will be leaving in 19 days for our 6 day stay at the Beach Club. We have never stayed here before so please tell me what your thoughts are on it, good or bad. We chose BC because it will be smoking hot down there and we have been told that SOB is the best pool in WDW and the close proximity to Epcot and MGM will be wonderful given the expected heat and crowds. Oh yeah, and the free dining doesn't hurt either!!

To be honest, we really haven't had the chance to get too excited about our upcoming trip. We are thrilled to be going but we have been involved in a rather messy home purchase process from my wife's aunt. It has been painful to say the least, though it looks like it should be smooth from here on out.

Unfortunately our stress level has been through the roof for the last 6 weeks causing us to not enjoy our summer and upcoming trip as much as we should. We are closing on the house 5 days after we come home from WDW so I am afraid that I may be pre-occupied when down there.

Please help get my pumped up for the trip and get that feeling back!!!

Thanks as always!