**Moderator Note**

This thread is for sharing opinions on the changes for the 2008 Dining Plan changes only.

Any questions or need for clarification about the changes should go in
2008 room rates and packages now available,where Magical Journeys has posted the 2008 Magic My Way with Dining Package info.

Thank you.


Wow.. I not sure how to take the new changes in the dining packages for 2008!

I am flipped both ways on not having the gratuties included now in 2008 dining - Yes I think some servers should have to work for it but it was nice not to have to worry about it also. We have ate with the dining plan 4 times and ready for our fifth in 38 days!
We like the fact that it was included but because of a survey that Disney did most people didn't want the gratuities included anymore. The price of it went down from 39.99 to 38.99 adult and 11.99 to 10.99 for child ages 3-9. Only 1 dollar but its something.
Now they have a deluxe dining with out the Premium upgrades- its got 3 table service a day and two snacks per person. I believe that one is 69.99 a night/day. I have alot of clients going in the new year and I am not thinking they are going to be too pleased with the changes- I am keeping my fingers crossed.
I am intrested what others thing of the changes?