This thread has inspired me! Since I spend alot of time on Intercot and have been to WDW many times I could have given you a "text book" definition of what the Electrical Water Pageant is (hey, do they still do the speil about the pageant on the monorail, I'm not sure if they still do it or ever did it or if I made it up!) But I've never seen it for myself, I must put it on my "to do" list.
From reading all of your posts, I think DH & I would most like to view it from the poly. I was looking at the Intercot map of the poly, but can anyone give any specific ideas. What's a good viewing spot? (I confess, I've never even stepped foot in the Poly, only flown by in the monorail) I assume the beach, but is there a specific spot on the beach, are there hammocks or something (if there is can non-poly-guests even use them?)
I think we'd like to stop get a drink and bring it out to the beach to watch the pageant. What's a good place to get a drink? I saw Tambu Lounge on the poly map, can you get a drink from there and bring it down the the beach, or can you not leave the lounge with it? Is the Barefoot Pool Bar open that late?
Where do you get those Lapu Lapus I hear tell about? (Sorry, so many quesions!)