Cast of Characters:
My 11 year old twin boys
my parents celebrating their 50th Anniversary

April 20 - May 5 2007

Resort: All Star Movies

Day 12 Tuesday May 1

It was back to Chef Mickey's for breakfast today. While at breakfast my son still complained of his hand hurting, so I went to store at Contemporary and purchased sports tensor to give it support. He could move his fingers and had only minimal swelling and a small bruise on the palm...I thought maybe the bone was cracked, but not too sure. He wasn't in too much pain unless he tried to pick up stuff with hand. We decided to keep an eye on it. (turns out it was, in fact broken...we even had paramedic check it out and he didn't think it was...but upon return home and Xray here in canada...he is in cast until June 1st!) Didn't slow him down any though..

As usual Chef Mickey's was a blast with great food, great fun and awesome character interaction. After breakfast we walked to MK, did some character greeting road on the Railroad, played in Toon Town where we visited Minnie's House and Mickey's House and then went to catch the Dream Come True parade.

We headed over to Epcot for the evening to catch Illuminations. I can't remember where we ate. It may have been at resort...? After Illuminations we did some shopping before leaving Epcot for the night.

Day 13 Wednesday May 2

Back to Animal Kingdom where we get to meet Turk and Meeko and Kenai. We also got to chat with Wes Palm before heading to Asia to conquer The Mountain! The mountain was apparently busy being conquered by everyone else in the park so we headed over to Kali River Rapids and went on it 4 times in a row!! It was so hot that day and it was a welcome relief! Next we decided to take trek through the Maharajah's jungle. We saw bats and tigers and deer oh my!!

After our trek it was time to conquer the Mountain . I was still feeling quite ill so I sent my kids on it to make sure it was OK first! They got off and LOVED it. Said it was the best coaster ever! That was enough for me to determine that considering how I felt, I had best sit that ride out this trip. Next time!

We had lunch at Restaurantsaurus then we found an awesome spot in the shade and got comfy to watch the Jammin Jungle Parade. After the parade it was time for Dinoland . We went on Dinosaur first then Triceratops Spin. We opted out of Primeval Whirl since it makes us all Instead we played a few games and just hung out and the kids played in the Boneyard for awhile.

We really enjoyed Animal Kingdom this trip. The boys really learned a lot. We took our time and really soaked it all in. It is a wonderful park!