I am interested to know what your favorite purchase from any of the parks has been, big or small. It really is hard to narrow it down to one, so see if you can pick just one favorite!

I would have to say my personal favorite is the Bamboo incense we discovered at one of the stores in the China pavillion at Epcot. The first time we visited WDW and walked into that store we (DH and I) immediately fell in love with the scent. First trip we bought only one small box and they were used up too quickly once we returned home. Next trip we were sure to buy several boxes and now I conserve them to make sure they last until we can go again. I know it's not a truly "Disneyesque" purchase, but it truly is a scent that takes us back to Epcot and invokes a lot of great memories.

I look forward to hearing about your favorites!