We went over to MK yesterday just for the day (we are locals) and the kids wanted to play in Pooh's play area (near the old 20K Leagues). My wife and I watched quite a few parents (mostly dads) who were WAY too involved in the way that their kids were playing with others.

In one instance, one kid (not one of ours) cut in line on one of the small slides (which we do not condone with our kids) and this one father went ballistic. He held the child in question back while his kid went down the slide.

OK, first of all, if your kid is too scared to slide down a two foot high slide, don't force the issue. Second, I would never think about restraining a child unless that child was mine. If I ever saw this happen to my kid, I would have quietly taken that person aside (so as not to have made a scene) and addressed the issue.

Just an observation....