Tuesday, March 20th

Me, 35
DH, 37
DD, 7

Well, I am home. But first, I will catch you up with my last day at Disney. We woke up around 9:00 and had breakfast in the food court at 10:00. We checked out at 11, then DH and DD went to DME to check in for their 11:30 pick up. I lost it! I couldn't bear to say goodbye to them even if I would see them the very next day! I decided I better get out of there before I went into hysterics.

Now, when I realized I couldn't fly home with them using my frequent flyer miles, and that I would have to extend my stay by one more day, MOvies said they had no room, so I booked at Music. I asked Movies if they could help get me and my luggage over to Music, and they said no. So I walked over, dragging my four bags, and when I checked in, they couldn't believe that MOvies had not moved me! Oh well...like walking a LITTLE BIT MORE was going to matter after this week!

My room was ready...WAY out in Broadway, the very back building, the furthest back row of rooms. There was nothing but woods around me, and the adjacent building (Country Fair) was vacant under construction. I had an eerie, very alone feeling and didn't like it.

I headed to MK. It was raining. The weather was very symbolic of my mood as I was so sad to be alone, and sad to be on my last day too!

Anyway, here is what I did...First, I met Main St. Jim! I feel badly b/c I interrupted him while he was so busy working, so I just shook his hand and let him be.
Then, I went through Mickey and Minnie's house, got a FP for Pooh, rode Snow White, saw Philharmagic, was given a FP for Peter Pan by a lovely guest to use later, rode HM, POTC, IASW, and Peter Pan.

Around 3:00 I was getting hungry, so I went to Main Street Bakery and got a PB&J and a water. I went to the top of the train station and just watched the world go by. Then I went and watched cartoons in Exposition Hall. I took another spin on the TTA, rode Pooh with my FP and did the teacups.

I always thought I would love a solo trip. I was supposed to have one in January until my mother fell ill and I had to go to her. I realized in one day that I could not do a solo trip. I was so lonely, the park looked so different, and I missed my DD (fine, and my DH!) more than I can say! Several people asked me if I had gotten separated from my group, was I alone, and two CM's (when asking "how many in your party?" for a ride) said, "Just ONE???" I didnt' like this at all.

I was going to stay until Wishes, but just couldn't do it. I realized I had not ridden the monorail this trip, so I got on and went to the GF to see if they had the Mary Poppins book that I had seen in MGM and wished I had bought. Alas, they did not. But it was worth the trip to get to smell the fresh flowers in the lobby!! (see photos!)

I took the GF bus to DTD and did one more sweep through the shops. I really didn't buy that much this trip...a combination of little time to shop and not much new stuff since I was there in November. But I did take pictures of all our goodies (minus our t-shirts that are in the laundry!)

I got back to the room at 9, and called to see when DME would be picking me up for my flight in the morning. (since I checked in that day, they could not leave me a letter on my door???) I almost dropped when the man said they would be picking me up at 2:55 am! My flight was at 6! So I got a nice hot bath, made sure everything was laid out so I wouldn't forget anything, and went to bed at 10:45.

Pictures are here...