A good friend of mine will be celebrating his 22nd birthday during our May trip. Unfortunately, my two favorites (Mitsukoshi Teppanyaki and Le Cellier) will be closed during this time. He has never been to WDW and I want the whole trip to be as amazing and memorable as possible. We'll also be there with two other friends; one is a totally "foodie" and the other is pretty open and easy going.

I'd like to go somewhere a little unusual, but very fun. We're all in college, so our budgets are limited. This will probably be our big splurge meal, but I'd like to keep it under $40 per person.

We're all of drinking age and I know that most of us will probably want to drink something, so that would possibly put the price over $40, but since alcohol is an option, that would be fine. That would be everyone's own choice/responsibility.

My first thought was 'Ohana. I've heard such good things about it on the boards, but I've never been. I also thought about a late lunch at Mama Melrose and eventually arriving early enough at Fantasmic! to get good seats.

I think character meals would be out, just because he's never really had a "grown up" birthday party before.

The only other place that would definitely be out would probably be Coral Reef because I have a deep rooted fear of deep water. I am usually in panic mode by the time we leave The Seas anyway; I really don't want to add to it. I guess that could make for a memorable night, but not the way I want.

I should probably apologize for my tendency to ramble! Any help is, as always, greatly appreciated!