Thursday March 15th

me, 35
DH, 37
DD, 7
DFIL and his fiance (staying at an RV park offsite)
Michelle, my dear friend from Cocoa Beach


My crew is fading already! DD and I got out to the bus stop at 10am again, and went to MGM. DH, DFIL and his fiance met up with us at 11 (I think we are wearing them out!) My friend Michelle met up with us at 10:30. DD and I first stopped at Starring Rolls for a lite breakfast (croissant for me, blueberry muffin for her). We heard High School Musical pull up behind us at the hat, so we went to watch that afterwards. I like it better now that it is in MGM...that is more appropriate being a movie, and the set is wonderful.

Next, we did a few meet and greets, then DFIL and his fiance went to Star Tours. (Having never seen Star Wars, it just doesn't make much sense to me...I've ridden it before, but it is totally lost on me!) So Michelle, DD, and I went to the coffee shop/bookstore across the street and browsed. DD got a notebook and pen set. That sure was a lifesaver for the rest of the day...anytime we had a wait, she would draw. Wonderful!

After they got off Star Tours, we went to see Muppets 3D. It was getting to be about parade time, so we got a bench/curb at our FAVORITE place right near the exit and watched Disney Stars and Motor Cars. I love this parade! DD was so excited she got to shake 5 characters' hands!

After that, we went to Prime Time 50's for a late lunch at 3:45. What a fun time! DFIL and his fiance really liked it...she kept saying, "I had a lamp like that!" etc. They really liked the interaction and theme. Michelle got in trouble for elbows on the table, our cousin told DFIL's bride to be to stop whining, and DH had to wear a bib before he could eat his hot fudge sundae! DD had grilled chicken and pasta, DFIL and Michelle had fried chicken, DH had a turkey sandwich, DFIL's fiance had chicken pot pie, and I ...still trying to stave off a gallbladder attack, had a child's bowl of mac cheese. (for those keeping score, that makes 3 servings of mac cheese for me so far this trip!)
We all enjoyed the food and experience at lunch!

After lunch, we saw the Indy stunt show. A first for me. Again, having never seen an Indiana Jones movie, it went right over my head. Next, we went on the Great Movie Ride. Have I mentioned I am getting tired of the teenagers yet? There were 5 behind us, talking on cell phones, kicking the seats, making fun of other guests' weight, clothes, handicaps, etc. (I have seen this WAY too much this week...I may blow my top soon and have to speak up!)

After our stroll through Hollywood past and present, we were off on the Voyage of the LIttle Mermaid. Cute as always...

Next came my favorite, One Man's Dream. I can not sit through that film without crying! The sky started to look threatening. We had first thought we would ride rides up until the 10 showing of Fantasmic when the park closed, but thought we had better not press our luck and did the 8:30 instead. GOOD CALL! Our show went on, but they ended up having to stop the 10 midway through. DFIL and his fiance ABSOLUTELY LOVED FANTASMIC! They were blown away!! It was incredible to see them so awestruck!

Afterwards, DD, DH, Michelle, and DFIL used their FP's for RnRC. DFIL came out CHEERING! He is having so much fun! I am so glad they came. I know it makes DH happy to see his dad enjoying himself so much!

Then DH, Michelle, and DFIL went on ToT. Again, this was a hit!

With about ten minutes to go until closing, DFIL decided he just had to go on RnRC again. He literally ran to get in line!

When they came out, the sky opened up and we got SOAKED! We ran to the candy shop and waited it out (somehow, DD and DH ended up with turtle fudge too!) When it lightened up a bit, we headed for the bus to call it a night. I realized I was REALLY hungry (a croissant and mac cheese all day was not enough to get me through) so I went to the food court when we got home and got us some drinks and a pizza. This is the most risky food I have eaten all week and I hope I don't regret it!

DD is sound asleep, DH is getting ready to load my pictures, and I am about to get a hot shower and head to bed. All in all, another great day!!

*High point of the day--seeing the inlaws watch Fantasmic...they were just too cute!

*Funniest moment of the day---at Prime Time 50's Cafe, DD was so scared to put her elbows on the table, she held them up as she colored! (see photo!)

*Purchases--DD's notebook and pen. That's it! If I don't get downtown by myself soon I may lose it!!

*Plan for tomorrow---Magic Kingdom!

Photos...Click Here