Good evening all. Just thought I'd bother ya'll with something that's been on my mind regarding our upcoming Disneyland vacation in August.

Well, its like this... yet again I've managed to jam-pack our vacation to the brim with more than we could possibly want. But we want to do all of this regardless, so cutting things out is not an option!! This itinerary includes things like a day-trip to Universal Studios Hollywood, a private tour of the Walt Disney Studios and El Capitan Theatre, attending all 3 days of the D23 Expo 2013 and to cap it all off... an entire week at the Disneyland parks.

As you can tell, this is looking like a pretty "go-go-go" schedule. Which is fine with us. But there is a slight dilemma (for me at least). I can handle walking but I am one to get sore feet during Disney vacations, I assume everyone does... but for me it can be unbearable. When I came down for the D23 Expo 2011, I pushed myself as hard as I could and by the final few days of the vacation, I didn't even wanna step on the ground as it made my feet feel as if they were on fire!

Are there any hardcore Disney planners out there who have any tips or tricks on how to preserve and make your feet last longer/feel better while doing pretty intensive schedules? I know that I am defiantly going to go shoe shopping for a comfortable pair a month or so before we leave. I was also thinking of checking into gel insoles too... is that worth the bother?

Thanks in advance for ANY information you can dig up and provide me with! It is much obliged.