We will be going Oct. 2013 and our daughter will be 2 1/2, she also has Down syndrome.
Now, I know I have no idea at this time what she will be like then, but based off now, she is and still will be a "runner".
We plan to have a "leash" ( backpack with strap) and a stroller, but some other moms in my Ds parent group ( who have been there with their kids) say get a GAC too.

My question is what do I tell them when I go to get it. We really don't plan on having to use it unless she is in a "running" mood. The other parents said they only used it if their child was not going to stay in line nicely with them, and that then they were able to leave them in the stroller to wait their turn to ride.

I am new to this, as my son with Aspergers never needed one. I almost feel guilty even getting one, because she really can do everything a typical child can, but she does have her moments where it is clear she isn't typical.

Thanks for the help!