Quantcast 3rd times a charm Part 2
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  1. #1
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    Default 3rd times a charm Part 2

    Well I guess there is a limit on how many posts you can have in a TR? So I have to continue my trip report here.

    Here is the link to the first part for anyone who is interested.


    I'll try to get an update up later tonight, or tomorrow morning.

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  3. #2
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    After Snow White and Dopey we strolled up towards the front, taking pictures on the way. We weren’t sure what we wanted to do next, but then decided to make our way up to Spaceship Earth.

    As we made our way up front I spotted a photopass photographer and made my family stop for a picture.

  4. #3
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    We headed up to Spaceship Earth then and I parked the stroller and our all valuables as best I could. Once I pulled the bag out of the bottom of the stroller, test track fit neatly under it and was totally covered by the bag on top.

    We rode Spaceship Earth and it had no line what so ever.
    Here are some pictures from the end. It’s so funny because it cut half of Claire’s head off.

    I’m not sure how I got emailed two different pics, but I did. LOL!

    I wanted to try and link the video postcards, but they aren’t there anymore, so they must have a shelf life of about a month.

    After we got off, I played with the computers to email the stuff home, while DH and Claire played some of the other games.

  5. #4
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    On to Nemo next! Claire usually likes this one, so we headed over there and got in line for that, which was walk on as well. The queue for this is so long though, so it takes a long while to walk through. I can remember back in the years when it was just the living seas, with no Nemo theme, I had been there with Michael and Paige and we would wait out the door and walk all through the whole queue. Luckily it moved pretty fast, but I don’t think I would ever do that again.

    Before we walked in I wanted to get a picture of Claire in front of the “fish”. There were some young couples there and they just kept snapping pictures, and I must admit I was kind of getting a bit annoyed as I wanted to just snap one of Claire and get on our way. But then one guy asked if we would like him to take our picture, and we said yes. They actually were really nice and kept commenting on how cute they thought Claire was. So my bad, I shouldn’t be so impatient. LOL!

    I took these while walking through the queue.

    After the ride we went to see how long the wait for Turtle talk was. It was 15 minutes, so we took a potty break and the stuck around and played some of the games in Mr. Rays area.

    I did so well I could send home a certificate to myself. LOL!

    The wait was longer than 15 minutes, but we stuck it out. I think it was more like 20-25 minutes.

    But finally it was time to go in!

  6. #5
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    Sounds like your day is continuing to go well!

    There is not a specified number of posts in any particular trip report. However, when the reports and responses run into multiple pages, it does get a little unwieldy to navigate.
    Linda aka: Faline
    INTERCOT Staff: Vacation Planning,Trip Reports and Disney Camping
    [email protected]

  7. #6
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    Thanks for the Report!
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  8. #7
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    I guess it looks like my readers from the first portion haven't found their way over here yet? I hope you all can finish reading!

  9. #8
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    Turtle Talk with Crush.
    We go in and I sit Claire on the floor in front, and DH and I takes seat a little ways back, but I sit where I can keep her in my sight at all times. I decide that I will get my camera out and ready in video mode….just in case Crush talks to Claire.

    The girls she is sitting next to were also at Akershus when we were there and they played together while we waited for our name to be called. They were so cute.

    Not long into the “talk” Crush asks to talk to the little girl with the pink Sea Anemone on top of her head. I quickly turn on my camera. Remember I am the worlds worse video taper. And it was dark too, but not long into it the tables turn! Crush Ask Claire who brought her and she says “What?”, so he asks again and I say “mom and dad.”
    And dang it all that Crush came and talked to me!
    I had the camera in my hands and I just set it on my lap and it was still taping. LOL! So you can hear my conversation. I felt so dumb. I’m sure my face was beat red.

    I can't post the link here though since it's you tube

    I was just dyeing. And yes that dorky laugh is mine! I totally hate it.

    After Crush we walked out the exit queue , which ran along the side of the Nemo rides entrance queue. Claire wanted to ride Nemo again and I told them I would sit this one out. So they hopped over/under the fence and walked on the ride again.

    I waited for them, which surprisingly wasn’t long at all and then I made Claire take her yearly Shark picture. Well not every year, as I think the line was too long in 2007 so we ended up not taking one.

    This is last year’s picture

    After that we went outside to decide what to do. We still had a half hour before Illuminations started, but Claire wanted to go back to the hotel. I really wanted to see Illuminations, but I could see Skip wanted to go back too. His hip was really hurting him and I swear if I had a wheel chair he would’ve rode in it.

    We sat and rested for a few minutes.

  10. #9
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    After our rest, we decided to call it a day. Claire wanted to swim yet.

    We made our way back up to the front.

    We stopped off for a final photopass of the day.

    And then we left Epcot and headed to the buses.

    As we were walking to the bus stop a family was walking in front of us with 2 cute little girls dressed in princess dresses.
    They looked tired and just drudging along. The one little girl was looking down and I could just see it in my head what was about to happen. This has happened to my Paige when she was little and at Epcot too.
    I said “watch where you are going sweety, look up”…… over and over ….and next thing you know…Bang, she walked right into the pole. Of course she cried and Skip was controlling his laughter.
    The same thing Paige did, only we were arriving to Epcot and she was looking up in awe. I told her watch where she was going and Bang right into a pole. I was with my mom that trip and my mom wrapped her arms around her while she cried, but my mom and I…and of course brother Michael all laughed hysterically while we comforted her.
    We are such bad people.

    So finally we get on the bus and head back to pop. I didn’t take anymore pictures of the night.
    We could see parts of the Illumination Fireworks going off as we rode on the bus.
    When we got back to Pop, Skip asked me for his refillable mug so he could fill it before heading back to the room. I went to get it and it wasn’t on top of the stroller, so I looked in my bag. It was gone!
    Remember how my straw came up missing when we were at Akershus? Well I think that’s when his cup came up missing too. I don’t remember seeing it after that point. I did take my bag out later to look for something and remember seeing my cup, but don’t recall seeing his, when I thought about it. So someone stole my straw and his cup! YUCK! I did bring last years cups along too so that I could dump juice in it for Claire, so I went against the rules and gave him one of them and told him just to use it for now. We only had 1 full day left.

    When we got back to the room I got Claire dressed in her Swim suit and out to the pool. I sat at a chair and tried to catch up on the journaling.
    Claire quickly made friends with a little girl and they laughed and giggled. Soon the little girl had to get out and Claire got out with her. I told Claire to leave her alone now, since she had to leave. The girl’s dad says “that’s OK, She’s showing us her swimming suit”. LOL! What a dork my kid is.

    So Claire then gets back in and is playing with a ball. Some older kids, (2 couples) well I would say in the young 20’s, were kind of talking to her and teasing her about the ball. I think they wanted her to throw it at them and she wouldn’t. They would all laugh. Next thing you know they are all playing together with the ball and including Claire. They were all laughing so hard. And then Claire would do silly things and they would laugh harder. It was so funny to watch. Yes my kid can make friends with ANYONE. I even called DH out to watch it for awhile too. I don’t know who was having more fun, Claire or the 2 couples.
    Finally I told Claire it was time to go get dressed and the kids were all sad to see Claire leave. LOL! They all kept saying “bye Claire.”

    I got Claire dried off and dressed and we went to look for a snack. I was thinking Mickey Bar, but they were out of them at the food court. It seemed that the food court was out of a lot of good snacks.
    I decided then to get the hot fudge sundae. It was good. Claire and I shared it. She dove into it immediately. It was melting fast too, like the ice-cream from the other day, so I think they didn’t keep the refrigeration cold enough in the bin.
    Didn’t matter we still loved it.

    Skip saw it and asked why we didn’t get him one. Well he never asked for a snack when we went up, so that’s why. LOL!
    I told him once we were done we would go get him one. But I found out that they must close it at 11, because it was 11:05 when we got back up there and it was closed. OOPS. Skip was a little disappointed. But he said he would get one tomorrow.
    We got ready for bed then.
    I think we all went out pretty fast.

    And that’s the end of day 5!

  11. #10
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    Day 6!

    Friday March 13

    The plans for the day.

    Magic Kingdom was the plan!
    We had ADR’s for Crystal Palace at 4:05.
    We kind of just figured we would ride what we could and take it easy.

    I woke up at 6AM. I just couldn’t sleep any more. This was our last full day, and I didn’t want to miss any of it.
    I walked up to the smoking section.

    I’m gonna add this little comment her.
    I had quit smoking for 3 years when I had Claire, but about a year and a half ago, I stupidly started back up. Now I really don’t smoke a lot anymore, Just one here and there, and I smoke them in halves. LOL! Never a full one. So I daily would go to the smoking section, but I would sometimes sit there and not smoke. You just get to talking to the same people each day, and it’s like you start to know them as your vacation friends. LOL! Some are hilarious. And some you go and ask how was such and such the day before.

    So this day I got up so early and sat in the smoking section for quite awhile and just gabbed.
    One guy, who I talked to each day was telling me how he had lost his refillable mug the first night by leaving it at the pool on a table. The next AM, of course it was gone. So he asked a CM and they gave him a new one. I told him how Skip’s mug was stolen the night before, and he told me, I should ask and see if they would replace it.
    He then told me he left his second mug somewhere too, LOL! but was too embarrassed to ask for another one.

    So after all the gossip, I went and got a shower, and then headed up to the food court and got some breakfast.
    This was going on when I walked in.

    I asked a random CM about the mug and explained what happened. She went and got someone and sure enough they replaced it for me. And ironically he gave me the exact same color we had before.

    I got some breakfast, and then took it out by the pool, near our door. I journaled for awhile, since I was getting way behind.
    While I was eating my breakfast wrap, a stray piece of egg fall off to the side of my plate. Next thing I know, I feel a whoosh, and a bird is gliding by me and swiping that piece of egg right off my plate. Tricky little bugger! LOL!

  12. #11
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    I’m gonna backtrack again.

    I forgot I was going to post some more photopass pictures from our second day.

    This was after the photoshoot, when we met Chip and Dale.


    And some more photopass from that day.

  13. #12
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    Hi I found your new thread! I'm still following along and loving your pics too funny about Crush talking to you! I leave for the world in 3 days and will catch up with your report when we get back!

  14. #13
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    I am still with you! How is Skip doing? I recall you saying in your other thread that he would have surgery in October. That must have been really hard on him walking so much on a bum-hip!
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  15. #14
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    hey jen,found you! i was so happy to open my new posts and see part 2 ,I am gonna be so sad when you are finished with this report...
    "this is my family. I found it, all on my own. Is little, and broken, but still good. Yeah, still good."

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  16. #15
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    Last day? NoOoOoOoOo! I'll miss your trip report when it's over. You give so many details and pictures it feels like the reader has gone on the journey too. Any plans for a next trip yet?
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    Thanks all for reading!
    Skips surgery is Oct. 26. He is in a mad rush to get all that needs to be done around the farm done before he has to be off. Which means he is a little cranky at times. But not too bad yet.

  18. #17
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    So back to the report.

    I left off with me getting a piece of egg swiped off my plate from a bird!

    After I finished eating I went into the room and Skip and Claire woke up.
    Claire got some more princess mail. Her letter was from Ariel.

    She received a tinker bell comb and mirror set and a set of princess pens.

    We got dressed for the day. I made her wear the Aurora costume. This is my favorite one, but for some reason she likes the Ariel Wedding dress better and she wanted to wear it again. I won, because I told her it was dirty. LOL!

    I got her some breakfast, and skip got some as well.
    She only ate about half, and Skip helped her finish and then we gave my buddy some of the leftovers. LOL!

    Then I took a few pictures around Pop with Claire. Well not many, and most near our room. LOL!

  19. #18
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    More pictures from pop.

    Our window.

    It was another nice day. Our whole trip had been in the 80’s, and it was so nice.

    One thing I had learned this morning while gossiping, was that a bus load of cheerleaders had arrived this AM at Pop. YUCK! Today was their only free day, which probably meant a lot of them would be at the parks.

    After taking pictures I went back to the room and packed our bag for the day. I threw in a sundress and then thought, heck I should be carrying an extra pair of underwear too. Especially after the Kali Rivers incident where she got totally soaked. So threw in a pair and some snacks, and all the other essential.
    We also collected Simba . No need to repeat the day before and have lots of wining.
    We then were ready for our last day at MK.

    I think we arrived around 11. Just walking in we could tell that his day was much busier than it had been all week.
    I took another try at the balloon bundle. Again, I’m not impressed with my result.

    I again made the family stop for Photopass.

  20. #19
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    The Move it Shake it parade was going on, so we stopped and watched. It was pretty crowded around the hub, so Skip threw Claire up on his shoulders and went in for a closer look. I took a few pictures of my pink fluff girl going into the crowd.

    And then I lost them.

    It was really crowded and it was hard to see. I took some video too. ...but can't post it here.

    After the parade, we two-wayed each other till we found each other. Again I wasn’t getting the best directions, so I had to use my imagination and skills to find them. LOL!

    Claire had beads around her neck when I found them. I guess they give them out during this block party.

    We walked by the Pirate Tutorial and Skip took Claire up to watch it. I got in line for Captain Hook, and was going to call them when I got close. With in minutes they were back. Claire didn’t care for the tutorial and said Captain Hook was too scary, so we got out of line. Peter Pan was across the way and I gave the option to see him, but she looked at the line and said no.

    It was very hot and crowded. Just what I hate. All these people seemed to be in MY way. LOL!

    We stopped and got out some lemonade for Claire and decided to just wander around and find something that didn’t look too busy. Good luck there. LOL!

    As we were wandering Claire screams “There’s Donald” and she wanted to see him. So we got in line for him.
    Skip went off to get a snack. He got a banana and a water, using some of the snack credits up. I thought the banana was a waste of the snack credit, but we did have a lot left yet.

    Waiting in line for Donald.

    While waiting in line they told us that the photopass photographer was having problems with her camera, so we had to only use our own for pictures.
    The kids in front of us had Mickey heads on there pens and Donald had a fit. It was so funny. He made a big deal about them NOT being Donald pens. LOL

  21. #20
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    At least Claire's pink hair matches her dress! So cute!
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